My name is Monsieur Business, and you may call me just that. The octopus on my head, his name is Monsieur Socks. He is my partner and best friend and together we are Business Socks. Together with my ex-wife Mademoiselle Studio we created and patented online poker on April the first of Nineteen-Nineteen. After collecting the revenue from our collaboration we took what we had and started Business Socks Studio. Realizing we had no knowledge of running of a studio or what kind of studio we wanted, I hired a staff of artist, animators, writers, filmmakers and so and so's to make the fortress of potential power that could be Business Socks Studio into something! Being the marvelous humanitarian that I am I paid them with nothing but hopes and dreams of a better tomorrow in which Business Socks Studio controls Australia, the Sun and Hugh Jackman! I know that at this point you are reading this and you are still asking yourself, "What the heck does Business Socks Studio do?", and rightfully so! The legion of fans, followers and such and such's want and need answers... but I do not feel like answering questions, so there! I will answer nothing! Why is Monsieur Socks an octopus? How is he considered a legal partner in the massive machine which is Business Socks Studio? What happened to Mademoiselle Studio? You will never get any answers out of me... unless the price is right. I can tell you this, one thing that I can guarantee is more questions, we will leave you asking a lot questions.
The End.... is this how I'm supposed to end a letter? Who cares... The End... Again.